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jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

First racket...

Today I will be talking about the first tennis rackets and of what materials where they made:


The tennis was dominated by wooden rackets produced by Dunlop, Slazenger, Wilson, Spalding and Babolat.
The 2 classic wooden rackets of all the time were the Dunlop Maxply Fort and Wilson Jack Krammer.
The rackets were generally heavy with extremly small square strings. The rackets were generally quite flexible. 
This made it a very high level playing field for everyone.
The strings were generally natural good(expensive and not very durable)


Tennis rackets were made with strings made of good bound inside a wooden frame. Then by the year 1500, raquets began to be more use and a lot of people start buying them. The early rackets had a long handle with a small frying shape head. The rackets as well were more squash than know a days

2 comentarios:

  1. Me ha encantado, increíble, interesantísimo es tan filhugpiusdafibtpiusdf

    1. Hoy me he levantado he visto destrucción
      He bajado al parque y solo hay dolor
      Hoy no sale el sol, solo hay destrucción
      Ines, Ines, inesita Ines
      Hoy no sale el sol, solo hay dolor

      Estoy sola en mi casa, en mi habitación
      donde están mis padres, quien se los llevó
      Hoy no sale el sol, solo hay destrucción
      Ines, Ines, inesita Ines
      Hoy no sale el sol, solo hay dolor
      Ines, Ines, inesita Ines

      Así es el cinismo de la humanidad
      cedieron el futuro a la industria militar
      Hoy no sale el sol, solo hay dolor
